Friday 28 September 2012

Is that who I think it is?

Anna said that there must be celebrities just walking around Manhattan, doing their shopping, etc. because lots of 'stars' lives in the city (Katie Holmes was selected example). I said it was unlikely to see anyone, but then the next day Usher walked past me, texting. Anna was a bit miffed that she missed out on the celebrity spotting moment - it was the only time all day we'd split up (I think I may have stopped to take photos and everybody else crossed the road & continued walking). Since then, Anna has been keen to spot a celebrity. Yesterday, Anna decided to go into a shop and have a look at a jacket that was hanging up in the window. It was the first thing Anna has stopped to look at so far. As she was inside with Campbell, Josh said to me, "A whole bus load of people waved to a person just then and he waved back, do you think he's a celebrity?" I got him to point out who it was & there was a guy walking away from us with shoulder-length grey hair and a bouncy walk. I said that it could be Billy Connolly, so Josh, Flynn and I chased this old bloke until he got to his apartment... we caught up with just in time. Yep, it was Billy Connolly.Anna wasn't impressed. Not because she doesn't think much of Billy Connolly (although she did fall asleep during the show when we saw him perform live), she was unimpressed that she still hasn't spotted a celebrity. We've got one day left here, so hopefully Katie Holmes will be hanging out the same places we do today. Oh yeah, there was also a lady in a red and white outfit that at first glance, Josh, Anna and myself all thought it was someone dressed as Santa Claus... but sadly, it wasn't. Jason

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