Wednesday 31 August 2011


We have not managed to find fre wi fi and our costly Internet time is running low, so there may be a few days I have to catch up on when we get off the boat. Rome was hot bit amazing. We took a Disney organized tour today to take advantage of their great logistical skills. Sure enough we walked into the catacombs, the colluseum and st peters with no waiting in lines. There were three of the of the most horrible children ever on the bus with us and by contrast my lot looked like angels. The tour guide kept patting them on the cheek or the head and saying "Bella" asking their ages etc. I think they have earned triple gelato. More later.


  1. ok, I LOVED the La Specia posting, my favourite so far because of the "best laid plans" factor kicking in which allowed you to meet the old italian couple. I can't believe the pace is challenging the BEST!!

  2. Grandpa says that the boys ( including the "big" boy, Jason,) deserve quadrupole Gelatos.
