Monday 14 April 2014

Playing Frogger

We started off today with breakfast in the club lounge. The choice included Pho, chicken soup with glass noodles and banana flowers, and red curry prawns. No one was feeling adventurous at 6.30 am and we went with more conventional breakfast choices. We needed those adventure points later as the morning activity was a walk to Ben Tahn markets. The road crossing is super challenging and I am not a confident road crosser at the best of times. The decision about when to cross was too much for me, so I handed over the reins to Josh who led us fearlessly across the treacherous stretches. 

The markets themselves were culturally challenging. The smells and the in your face sales people were difficult to cope with. We managed to purchase some shirts for Cambo and Flynn although I am rubbish at bargaining and she kept hugging and kissing me. I would have paid anything just to get out of there.

It was extremely humid so we retreated back to the hotel for a swim and some ping pong. We then ventured out again to tick the 13th Hard Rock Cafe off Flynn's list. At first view it was a little disappointing but when the waitress heard that Flynn was on a worldwide HRC crawl, she took him downstairs where the good stuff was kept. Our lunch cost one million dong (about $50) and the boys were quite excited that we had a "million dollar lunch".

We had a lazy afternoon with some wifi time for the boys and a little snooze for mum. 

It is very hot and humid and we are all struggling a little with the smells. Below is an example of the typical electrical cabling at the street corners and a building the boys swear is "Stark Towers" from Iron man

1 comment:

  1. Good that josh has taken charge of street crossing, remember my tip to look for old ladies and stick with them, if they are still around they have figured it out. Re bargaining, I was no good at it either but saying no thanks and walking away sometimes does the trick. But I did love the image of you getting hugged and kissed by a small Asian lady!
